Every Wednesday, I'll bring you 5 quick, fun and budget friendly ways to jazz up your place so make sure to come back. In today's post, I'm going to show you how to spruce up your pad with plants that are affordable.
1. The Corn Plant

This is my personal favorite. I have had one of these plants in every place I have lived in. They do well in low light conditions and need very little loving.
2. The Braided Ficus
Needs persistent and consistent watering to prevent the beautiful dark green leaves from falling.
4. The Pony Tail Palm
Needs lots and lots of light and can grow up to 6 feet! Best part is it can go over a year without needing watering.
5. Chinese Evergreen
Very strong silvery gray and dark green leaves. This plant needs low light. Make sure you allow the soil to fully dry between watering's.
Put the plant in a pot and watch it grow! Places like
Osh and Home Depot have good prices on both plants and pots.