July 19, 2010

To Mount It Or To Missionary It????

The Plasma/LCD TV has forever changed the way we watch television and, more importantly, it has forever changed how we display our new TV's. The days of just sticking your television in an armoire or on some awful oak entertainment center are over. Now we must make tough decisions- choices more important than LCD or Plasma! I'm talking real life issues, like: do I mount it on the wall or buy a TV Stand? Here's the general rule on mounting: if you don't get it professionally done (so all the wires and cords are hidden inside the wall), you should use a stand. Quite frankly, I am still a traditionalist who believes a TV should sit rather then float and I hate the way the cords can be seen when someone mounts one to a wall. And, yes, I know there are all these innovative ways to hide all those wires, from buying colored tubing to putting a funky vase in front of them, but I think it still looks better on a stand- there are so many cool TV stands in the marketplace now! Plus, TV's are so thin you can also rest them on some very unique consoles and sofa tables that were traditionally meant for different purposes.


  1. Hey 'Guy in 2A' - I've always assumed the primary reason to mount is to save space in smaller rooms. However, my issue with the mount v. stand issue is that there isn't a great way to deal with the DVR, DVD, game console, and other 'stuff'. Therefore, even if someone prefers to mount the TV, what is the best thing to do with all these peripheral devices? Any advice for those of us who live in small quarters like Manhattan, San Francisco or Westside Los Angeles?

  2. That's why I think it's so ridiculous to mount cause you still need a TV stand for all your components. My only suggestion, if you are truly mounting to save space would be to buy those floating shelves and hang those as well. However that's gonna make for even more cords to show! The only way to pull this off is to get it all professionally done and mount the TV as well as the components on shelves and hide all the cords in the walls. The problem with that is, it probably will require a handyman and an electrician. Before you know it the mounting cost more then the flat screen!
