Would You Rather Make Out With Betty White
On A Leather Sofa Or A Fabric Sofa?
On A Leather Sofa Or A Fabric Sofa?

Wow, that's a tough one...not the making out with Betty White part, that's easy. But what type of couch gets you to the bedroom quicker - that's a little harder.
Personally, I think you have a better job of closing the deal if you have the leather sofa because it's more swanky and stylish. However, there are also a few pitfalls with leather, including sounds that aren't acceptable until date #3, slippage, and sweat.
At the end of the day, I'm not so sure it's worth the expensive leather when the fabric sofa is so much more comfortable to mess around on.
So for this "would you rather," the Guy In 2A votes fabric. But what's your vote?
Check back every Friday for another round of "Would You Rather"
I prefer Blanche on the Love Seat but to each their own.
ReplyDeletewhat about suede-- it could match the FL home the GG's shared!